34 Amazing Nonprofit Website Designs

A nonprofit’s website is more than just an online presence—it’s a powerful tool for storytelling, fundraising, and connecting with supporters. A well-designed website can make a significant impact by conveying a nonprofit’s mission, values, and goals in a visually compelling and user-friendly way.

Below, we’ve curated a list of some amazing nonprofit website designs that not only stand out for their aesthetic appeal but also excel in creating meaningful engagement with visitors.

These websites are prime examples of how thoughtful design can enhance the effectiveness of nonprofit organizations, driving awareness and inspiring action.

Trees for the Future

Trees for the Future - Amazing Nonprofit Website Designs

Mission: Trees for the Future is dedicated to ending hunger and poverty by training farmers to regenerate their land through the Forest Garden Approach, a method that transforms degraded lands into thriving farms.

Vision: The organization envisions a world where families can sustainably feed themselves, earn a stable income, and contribute to a healthier planet.

Impact: Since its inception, Trees for the Future has helped over 300,000 people across Sub-Saharan Africa, planting over 200 million trees and restoring more than 60,000 acres of land.

Why It’s Well Done: The website beautifully blends educational content with compelling visuals, making the complex issue of deforestation easy to understand. It effectively uses interactive maps and infographics to show the impact of their work, engaging visitors with both the cause and the solutions.

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Humanatix website

Mission: Humanatix is a ticketing platform that redirects its profits to fund educational projects for disadvantaged children around the world.

Vision: The organization envisions a future where every event contributes to social good, turning ticket sales into a force for positive change.

Impact: Humanatix has funded the education of thousands of children in developing countries, showcasing a model where business success directly fuels social impact.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is user-friendly and visually appealing, with a focus on transparency and impact. The integration of impact stories and clear financial accountability builds trust and encourages users to choose Humanatix for their events.

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New Story

New Story website - nonprofit website design

Mission: New Story pioneers solutions to end global homelessness by building safe and sustainable homes for communities in need, leveraging innovative technology and partnerships.

Vision: The organization aspires to create a world where every family has a safe place to call home.

Impact: To date, New Story has built over 3,000 homes in four countries, transforming the lives of thousands of families and inspiring the global housing sector with their 3D-printed homes initiative.

Why It’s Well Done: New Story’s website is sleek and modern, with a clean design that highlights their innovative approach. The use of real-time impact counters and immersive storytelling helps to convey the urgency and effectiveness of their mission.

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CoDesign Collaborative


Mission: CoDesign Collaborative empowers communities to take an active role in the design process, ensuring that urban planning and development projects reflect the needs and aspirations of the people they serve.

Vision: The organization aims for a world where marginalized communities have the power and resources to shape their environments, leading to more equitable and sustainable urban spaces.

Impact: CoDesign Collaborative has facilitated numerous community-led design projects, significantly improving public spaces and housing in underserved neighborhoods.

Why It’s Well Done: The website effectively showcases the collaborative and community-focused nature of their work through case studies, vibrant imagery, and testimonials. It’s designed to be a resource hub for both professionals and community members alike.

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Girls Who Code


Mission: Girls Who Code is on a mission to close the gender gap in technology by equipping girls with the skills and confidence to pursue careers in computing.

Vision: The organization envisions a world where women are equally represented in the tech industry, driving innovation and progress.

Impact: Since its founding, Girls Who Code has reached over 500,000 girls through its clubs, camps, and college programs, helping to increase female representation in tech fields.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is bright, engaging, and full of resources for girls, parents, and educators. The use of bold colors, success stories, and an intuitive navigation system makes it easy to find programs and get involved.

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The Ocean Cleanup


Mission: The Ocean Cleanup aims to rid the world’s oceans of plastic by developing advanced technologies to remove debris from the water.

Vision: The organization envisions clean, healthy oceans that can support diverse marine life and sustain human activity.

Impact: The Ocean Cleanup has successfully deployed systems in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, collecting tons of plastic waste and inspiring global awareness and action on ocean pollution.

Why It’s Well Done: The website uses stunning visuals and interactive elements to effectively communicate the scale of the ocean pollution problem and their innovative solutions. Real-time data and updates make the website both informative and engaging.

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Nonprofit Resources

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The Wilderness Society


Mission: The Wilderness Society works to protect and preserve America’s wilderness areas, ensuring they remain pristine for future generations.

Vision: The organization envisions a future where public lands are protected, accessible, and cherished by all.

Impact: The Wilderness Society has played a pivotal role in securing protections for over 110 million acres of wilderness, advocating for responsible land management and conservation policies.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is visually striking with breathtaking imagery of wilderness areas, making it easy to understand what’s at stake. It’s also highly informative, with well-organized content that guides visitors on how they can support conservation efforts.

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Mission: DivInc accelerates the growth of diverse startup founders by providing them with resources, mentorship, and access to capital.

Vision: The organization aspires to create a more equitable startup ecosystem where diverse entrepreneurs can thrive and contribute to economic growth.

Impact: DivInc has supported over 70 startups, significantly increasing diversity and inclusion in the tech and innovation sectors.

Why It’s Well Done: DivInc’s website is vibrant and dynamic, reflecting the energy and diversity of its community. The clear call-to-action buttons, success stories, and easy-to-navigate resources make it inviting for potential entrepreneurs and supporters alike.

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Waterboys Homepage

Mission: Waterboys, founded by NFL player Chris Long, is committed to providing clean, accessible drinking water to communities in need through the construction of sustainable water wells.

Vision: The organization envisions a world where every person has access to safe drinking water, improving health, education, and economic outcomes.

Impact: Waterboys has brought clean water to over 500,000 people in East Africa, significantly reducing waterborne diseases and transforming communities.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is both inspirational and functional, using strong visuals of their projects and clear metrics of impact to engage visitors. The integration of athlete ambassadors adds a unique appeal, drawing in a wider audience.

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Teach for America

Find-Your-Purpose-Teaching-Programs-Teach-for-AmericaMission: Teach for America recruits and trains diverse leaders to teach in under-resourced schools, working to close the educational opportunity gap.

Vision: The organization envisions a country where every child has access to an excellent education, regardless of their zip code.

Impact: Since its inception, Teach for America has placed over 60,000 teachers in high-need schools, impacting the lives of millions of students nationwide.

Why It’s Well Done: Teach for America’s website effectively balances a professional and inviting design. It highlights success stories and provides easy access to resources for prospective teachers, donors, and alumni, making it a comprehensive tool for engagement.

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Charity: Water


Mission: Charity: Water is dedicated to bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing countries.

Vision: The organization envisions a world where everyone has access to clean water, improving health, education, and economic development.

Impact: Charity: Water has funded over 100,000 water projects, providing clean water to more than 14 million people across 29 countries.

Why It’s Well Done: Charity: Water’s website is known for its transparency and compelling storytelling. The use of stunning visuals, clear donation pathways, and detailed impact reports make it a model for how nonprofits can engage and build trust with their audience.

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Mission: Candid connects people who want to change the world with the resources they need to do it, offering data, tools, and insights to the social sector.

Vision: The organization envisions a social sector that is more informed, transparent, and effective, leading to greater impact.

Impact: Candid serves millions of nonprofit professionals, donors, and volunteers worldwide, providing critical information that helps drive philanthropic efforts.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is a robust resource hub with a clean, professional design. Its user-friendly search functionality and comprehensive data tools empower visitors to find the information they need quickly, making it an invaluable asset for the nonprofit sector.

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Homepage - buildOn

Mission: buildOn empowers youth through service learning and helps break the cycle of poverty, illiteracy, and low expectations through education.

Vision: The organization envisions a world where everyone has access to quality education and the opportunity to contribute to their community.

Impact: buildOn has built over 2,000 schools in developing countries and engaged thousands of U.S. students in service projects, fostering a global movement for change.

Why It’s Well Done: The website effectively combines powerful stories with interactive elements, such as interactive maps and impact metrics, making it easy for visitors to engage with their mission of building schools. The design is vibrant and action-oriented, encouraging participation.

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Glo Dollar


Mission: Glo Dollar empowers individuals to fund public goods and charitable causes through the use of a stablecoin that donates 100% of its profits. By simply holding and using Glo Dollar, users contribute to philanthropic efforts at no cost to themselves.

Vision: The organization envisions a world where everyday financial transactions seamlessly contribute to the greater good, enabling people to support their favorite causes effortlessly.

Impact: Glo Dollar has already facilitated significant donations to public goods and charities by redirecting the profits earned from the stablecoin’s backing investments. With over $2.5 million in circulation and growing support from 50+ organizations, Glo Dollar is embedding philanthropy into everyday financial activities.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is transparent and innovative, clearly explaining how Glo Dollar functions as both a stablecoin and a philanthropic tool. It effectively communicates the concept of zero-cost philanthropy, making it easy for users to understand how their participation drives positive change. The design is clean and professional, with straightforward navigation that highlights the impact and opportunities for involvement.

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Thirst Project


Mission: Thirst Project is committed to ending the global water crisis by building freshwater wells in developing communities that need safe, clean drinking water.

Vision: The organization envisions a world where everyone has access to clean water, leading to improved health and opportunities.

Impact: Thirst Project has provided clean water to hundreds of thousands of people across 13 countries, significantly improving community health and quality of life.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is vibrant and youth-focused, with engaging content that appeals to students and young activists. It uses impactful visuals and stories to connect visitors emotionally with the cause, driving both donations and involvement.

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Mission: REDF invests in social enterprises that create jobs and employment opportunities for people facing barriers to work, including those with histories of incarceration, homelessness, and mental health challenges.

Vision: The organization envisions a world where everyone can access a quality job and contribute to their community.

Impact: REDF has helped over 100 social enterprises create more than 25,000 jobs, providing economic mobility and dignity to those who need it most.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is polished and professional, with a strong focus on impact and success stories. It effectively communicates the importance of social enterprise through well-designed infographics and comprehensive case studies.

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Mission: Dream.org works to close prison doors and open doors of opportunity, focusing on criminal justice reform, green jobs, and social equity.

Vision: The organization envisions a future where everyone has access to justice, opportunity, and environmental sustainability.

Impact: Dream.org has successfully advocated for criminal justice reforms at both state and federal levels, positively impacting the lives of thousands of incarcerated individuals and their families.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is powerful and visually striking, with bold colors and clear messaging that reflect the organization’s commitment to justice and equity. It’s easy to navigate and packed with resources for advocates, volunteers, and donors.

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Direct Relief


Mission: Direct Relief improves the health and lives of people affected by poverty and emergencies by mobilizing and providing essential medical resources.

Vision: The organization envisions a world where healthcare is accessible to all, especially in times of crisis.

Impact: Direct Relief has delivered over $4 billion in medical aid to more than 100 countries, providing lifesaving care to those in the most vulnerable situations.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is clean and professional, with a focus on transparency and accountability. Impact updates and interactive maps allow visitors to track the impact of their donations, making it a model for trust-building in the nonprofit sector.

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Sea Shepherd Conservation Society


Mission: Sea Shepherd is dedicated to the protection of marine wildlife and habitats through direct action campaigns, including anti-poaching operations and marine conservation.

Vision: The organization envisions a world where marine ecosystems are healthy, thriving, and protected from exploitation and destruction.

Impact: Sea Shepherd has saved countless marine lives through its aggressive campaigns, including the shutdown of illegal whaling operations and the removal of ghost fishing gear from oceans.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is bold and action-oriented, reflecting the organization’s mission to protect marine life. It uses powerful visuals and direct messaging to inspire activism and support, making it highly effective in rallying its audience.

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The Life You Can Save


Mission: The Life You Can Save encourages people to donate to the world’s most effective charities, helping to alleviate poverty and suffering.

Vision: The organization envisions a world where effective altruism is embraced, and every person has the opportunity to improve the lives of those in need.

Impact: The Life You Can Save has directed millions of dollars to high-impact charities, improving the lives of the world’s poorest people.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is clean and minimalist, focusing on clarity and ease of use. It’s designed to make giving easy and informed, with transparent charity evaluations and straightforward donation processes that empower users to make impactful contributions.

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Thistle Farms


Mission: Thistle Farms provides housing, healing, and employment for women survivors of trafficking, prostitution, and addiction.

Vision: The organization envisions a community where love is the most powerful force for change and every woman has the opportunity to live a life of freedom and dignity.

Impact: Thistle Farms has helped thousands of women find hope and healing, offering them meaningful employment and a supportive community.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is warm and inviting, reflecting the organization’s mission of healing and empowerment. It features beautiful photography and stories from the women they support, making it both a compelling and emotionally resonant experience.

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The Trevor Project


Mission: The Trevor Project provides crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ youth, offering support through phone, text, and chat.

Vision: The organization envisions a world where all LGBTQ young people can live their lives free from fear and discrimination.

Impact: The Trevor Project has supported hundreds of thousands of LGBTQ youth, providing life-saving services and advocating for their rights.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is vibrant and inclusive, with a strong emphasis on accessibility and immediate support. It’s designed to be a safe space for LGBTQ youth, with easy navigation to crisis resources and clear, welcoming language.

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Anchal Project


Mission: Anchal Project empowers women in India and Kentucky through design and sustainable employment opportunities, helping them to break the cycle of exploitation.

Vision: The organization envisions a world where marginalized women can gain financial independence and create meaningful lives through the art of design.

Impact: Anchal Project has trained and employed hundreds of women, providing them with skills and income to support themselves and their families.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is visually stunning, showcasing the beauty of the products made by the women they support. It effectively combines e-commerce with storytelling, allowing visitors to shop with purpose and learn about the impact of their purchases.

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Tent Partnership for Refugees


Mission: Tent.org mobilizes the global business community to improve the lives and livelihoods of refugees by integrating them into the workforce.

Vision: The organization envisions a world where refugees can rebuild their lives and contribute to their new communities with dignity and purpose.

Impact: Tent has partnered with over 200 companies to create job opportunities for refugees, significantly improving their economic prospects and social integration.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is professional and corporate-focused, making it easy for businesses to understand the benefits of partnering with Tent. It’s clear, concise, and action-oriented, with a strong emphasis on impact metrics and success stories.

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International Rescue Committee (IRC)


Mission: The IRC responds to the world’s worst humanitarian crises, helping people to survive, recover, and gain control of their future.

Vision: The organization envisions a world where refugees and displaced people have the support they need to rebuild their lives.

Impact: The IRC has provided lifesaving aid to millions of people in conflict zones and disaster areas, supporting their recovery and helping them to regain self-sufficiency.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is comprehensive and well-organized, with a clear focus on both advocacy and action. It provides easy access to critical information, donation opportunities, and ways to get involved, making it a valuable resource for supporters and those in need.

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Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières)


Mission: Doctors Without Borders provides medical care to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, and exclusion from healthcare, regardless of race, religion, or political affiliation.

Vision: The organization envisions a world where everyone has access to medical care in times of need, no matter where they live.

Impact: Doctors Without Borders has delivered critical medical services to millions of people in over 70 countries, often working in the most dangerous and difficult conditions.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is clear and focused, with a strong emphasis on the immediacy of their work. It features gripping visuals and stories from the frontlines, helping visitors connect emotionally with the cause. The donation process is straightforward, making it easy for supporters to contribute.

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Mission: GiveDirectly delivers cash transfers directly to people living in poverty, empowering them to make decisions that improve their lives.

Vision: The organization envisions a world where people in poverty have the financial resources to meet their needs and invest in their future.

Impact: GiveDirectly has transferred over $500 million to some of the world’s poorest people, significantly improving their economic well-being and quality of life.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is minimalistic and transparent, reflecting the organization’s focus on direct and efficient aid. It provides detailed explanations of how donations are used, with a strong emphasis on transparency and impact, making it easy for donors to trust and engage with their mission.

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Indego Africa


Mission: Indego Africa provides artisan women in Rwanda and Ghana with education, training, and market access, enabling them to earn sustainable incomes and become leaders in their communities.

Vision: The organization envisions a future where African women are economically empowered and can lift their families and communities out of poverty.

Impact: Indego Africa has trained and employed over 1,200 women artisans, helping them to build profitable businesses and improve their livelihoods.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is visually stunning, with a strong focus on the artisans and their stories. It effectively combines e-commerce with social impact, allowing visitors to purchase products while learning about the lives they are helping to transform.

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Action Against Hunger


Mission: Action Against Hunger works to save the lives of malnourished children while providing communities with access to safe water and sustainable solutions to hunger.

Vision: The organization envisions a world where no child dies from hunger, and everyone has access to the resources they need to thrive.

Impact: Action Against Hunger has provided lifesaving assistance to millions of people in over 50 countries, helping to reduce hunger and improve food security.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is well-organized and informative, with a focus on the impact and urgency of their mission. It uses compelling visuals and statistics to convey the gravity of hunger crises while offering clear and actionable ways for visitors to get involved.

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Charity Navigator


Mission: Charity Navigator evaluates the financial health, accountability, and transparency of nonprofits, helping donors make informed giving decisions.

Vision: The organization envisions a more efficient and responsive philanthropic sector where donors can trust that their contributions are making a real difference.

Impact: Charity Navigator has rated over 9,000 nonprofits, influencing billions of dollars in charitable giving and encouraging greater transparency and effectiveness in the nonprofit sector.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is user-friendly and data-driven, providing easy access to detailed evaluations of thousands of nonprofits. It empowers donors with the information they need to make confident decisions, fostering a more transparent and effective nonprofit sector.

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Mission: IDEO.org uses human-centered design to tackle some of the world’s toughest challenges, from poverty to healthcare to environmental sustainability.

Vision: The organization envisions a world where design is used as a force for social good, creating solutions that are effective, inclusive, and sustainable.

Impact: IDEO.org has worked on hundreds of projects across the globe, bringing innovative, user-centered solutions to communities in need and driving social change.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is sleek and modern, reflecting the organization’s focus on innovation and design. It effectively communicates complex challenges and their creative solutions through engaging visuals, case studies, and clear narratives, making it accessible and inspiring for a wide audience.

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Echoing Green


Mission: Echoing Green identifies and invests in the world’s most promising social entrepreneurs, helping them to launch and scale innovative solutions to the world’s biggest problems.

Vision: The organization envisions a world where visionary leaders drive transformative social change, creating a more just, equitable, and sustainable future.

Impact: Echoing Green has provided seed funding and support to over 800 social entrepreneurs, many of whom have gone on to become leaders in their fields and create lasting impact.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is dynamic and engaging, showcasing the work of social entrepreneurs through impactful storytelling and vibrant visuals. It’s designed to inspire and connect potential changemakers, offering resources and opportunities to get involved in social innovation.

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Native Renewables


Mission: Native Renewables provides clean energy solutions to Native American communities, promoting energy independence and environmental sustainability.

Vision: The organization envisions a future where Native American communities have access to affordable, renewable energy, supporting their economic and environmental resilience.

Impact: Native Renewables has brought solar power to hundreds of homes on Native lands, reducing energy costs and promoting sustainability.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is informative and culturally sensitive, reflecting the organization’s commitment to empowering Native communities. It effectively combines technical information with personal stories, making the case for renewable energy in an accessible and compelling way.

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Mission: FotoEvidence documents social injustice through photography and visual storytelling, amplifying the voices of marginalized communities and promoting human rights.

Vision: The organization envisions a world where photography is a powerful tool for social change, exposing injustice and inspiring action.

Impact: FotoEvidence has published numerous photo books and exhibitions that have brought critical social issues to the forefront, influencing public opinion and policy.

Why It’s Well Done: The website is visually striking, showcasing powerful photography that tells compelling stories of social injustice. It serves as both a gallery and a call to action, encouraging visitors to engage with the issues and support the fight for human rights.

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