Tell us a little bit about your personal and professional history- how have your previous experiences prepared you to take on the role of Executive Director at Christian Center of Park City?
I have had over 23 years of experience leading and building Nonprofit organizations, serving in roles that focus on communication, leadership development, fundraising and organizing large events. I have served as a keynote speaker for multiple events and organizations, a seminar presenter for local and regional conferences, and most recently as a host for the Nonprofit Leadership podcast. Two years ago, I received my Doctorate, which has helped expand and enrich my vision and skillset for my work in the Nonprofit sector. Additionally, I have served on several boards, including currently serving as the Chair of the MLK Jr Human Rights Commission for the Governor and State of Utah. All of these experiences and education have both prepared me and enhanced my ability to lead in my role at CCPC.
Can you recall a certain pivotal moment (or period of time) that impacted your professional decisions and ultimately led you to your work with CCPC?
When I was mulling over the opportunity of serving at CCPC, I also had an opportunity to work in Phoenix at a large Nonprofit, that was very similar to where I had worked in the past. However, the more I reflected on the vision of CCPC and its mission to meet people at their point of need and in so doing serve as a leading networker of community resources, I was hooked. Then when I met with the Board and founders of CCPC, I knew that this was the place for me.
Which of your goals for CCPC do you focus on the most with regards to the future of the organization?
We are currently in a $7.3 million Capital Campaign/Building Remodel and when it is all done in about a year, we will have doubled our facility, allowing us to expand and grow our services and programs. One of the key focus areas I have for CCPC in the near future is to build on the work we have been doing for 17 years of meeting immediate needs, and begin to add to that, a focus on helping people become even more independent and self-sufficient. In addition to our food pantries, emergency assistance programs, and special programs reaching the low-income community, we will start providing more programs that provide skills training, job training and mentoring/tutoring providing even more holistic help to our clients. Additionally, we will continue to expand our Mental Health Counseling Center. We currently have 7 professionally trained counselors and we are looking to grow this in the near future, to meet the needs we are finding.
What are some of the most challenging obstacles you have had to face in pursuit of your goals?
The most challenging obstacles are three fold: The need for funding, the need for committed volunteers and finding the right staff who match our organization’s ethos.
Lastly, how can people best support CCPC? Are there any upcoming events or campaigns that charitable donors or volunteers can look forward to?
We are always thankful and appreciative of financial support. We also are always looking for more volunteers who are willing to commit to weekly or monthly serving opportunities within CCPC.
Yes, we are currently in a $7.3 Million Capital Campaign. You can find out more here:https://www.ccofpc.org/capital-campaign/
We have two fun events coming up:
Our Latino Arts Festival. More info here: https://www.ccofpc.org/latino-art-festival/
Back 2 School Basics Event (taking low-income families shopping for school clothes). More info here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJ8beiJbohw